Pulitzer Center Update

The World's Most Toxic Places

Rapid growth in the Upper Citarum River basin has overwhelmed municipal sewage systems. Lacking garbage collection, residents throw household trash into the river or dump it in piles that soon wash into the waterway. Image by Larry C. Price. Indonesia, 2017.

Rapid growth in the Upper Citarum River basin has overwhelmed municipal sewage systems. Lacking garbage collection, residents throw household trash into the river or dump it in piles that soon wash into the waterway. Image by Larry C. Price. Indonesia, 2017.

Toxic Tanneries and Textiles

Debbie Price and Larry C. Price

In a four-part series for Undark, grantees Larry C. Price and Debbie Price expose the dangerous underside of unregulated leather and textile factories in Bangladesh and Indonesia. The factories supply fashion goods at the bargain prices global consumers demand—but at untold cost to the health of local workers, often children, who toil for low wages in grossly polluted workplaces.

If you are an educator and would like to bring this important project into your classroom, please visit our Lesson Builder.

Pirates and Smugglers

Michael Scott Moore

The Somali migrant grantee Michael Scott Moore profiles for Bloomberg Businessweek lived like a slave for nearly a year on the coast of Libya. In a smugglers’ camp in northern Sudan he saw fellow migrants executed. His harrowing journey is part of “going on tahriib,” the new trans-Africa migration experience.

Donald Trump, the Media, and the World

Jon Sawyer

In speeches this month Pulitzer Center Executive Director Jon Sawyer and Senior Advisor Marvin Kalb each addressed the first tumultuous weeks of the administration of President Donald J. Trump.