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School Lunches

Students outline a typical lunchroom at their school - drawings preferably - and predict what a lunchroom in another country might look like.

Can Iran and the U.S. Negotiate?

Students will analyze both sides of the mistrust between Iran and the US and will create their own informed opinions of the nuclear negotiations.

Environmental Health: What is it?

This lesson draws from a range of projects on food waste, ocean health, global goods and extractives, food insecurity, water and sanitation and more to support student understanding around...

A Free Meal: India's School Lunch Program

India's midday meal program is the largest free lunch school program in the world. Through animation, radio reports and articles, students discover the successes and failures of the program.

Getting the Word Out About Food Waste

Students analyze reporting about food waste in D.C. and South Korea. They then create their own media plans on reporting food waste issues in their communities.