Lesson Plans

To End AIDS: Addressing Community Needs

Image by Misha Friedman. South Africa, 2016.

Cover designed by Jordan Roth. Image by Misha Friedman. South Africa, 2016.

Download a free copy of To End AIDS from iTunes or from Amazon, or view for free online.

Introducing the Lesson:

Read and watch the introduction of To End AIDS. Respond to the attached discussion questions.

Research Activity:

You will be assigned a chapter from To End Aids.

Outside of class, you will read the assigned chapter and identify one challenge, concern, or obstacle for further study.

EX: The introduction video includes interviews with Americans who have not taken their HIV medication due to cost. You could look at the issue of cost as a barrier to accessing medication in either America, or more specifically, the Bay Area.

You will then conduct research to learn more about the topic. This can include a literature review, a review of relevant policy, and an investigation of existing outreach programs.

Proposal Presentation:

After conducting your research, you will propose a way to address your issue. This could be by creating or modifying policy, outreach, funding, research, etc.

You will write up a paper outlining:

  1. The problem
  2. Why it exists
  3. Current measures to address it (if any)
  4. The proposal

You will then present your ideas in class. The presentations should include background from the chapter along with the topics discussed in the paper.

Allow time after each presentation for the rest of the class to ask questions.

Educator Notes: 

This lesson plan is intended for undergraduate or graduate students in a public health course.

Instructors should allow students at least two weeks to read, conduct research, and design a presentation. All of this work can all be done outside of the classroom.


Make sure to explore the timeline as part of the in-class reading of the introduction. For a more detailed timeline on HIV/AIDS, click here.

Research Activity:

Depending on the number of students in your course, you should have students work in groups or divide up chapters into subchapters.

You can assign the readings or allow students to select their chapter.

Proposal Presentation:

If your students are working in groups, have each group prepare one paper and one presentation.

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