

The Face of the Resistance (Spanish)

The leader of Sarayaku, a Kichwa town in Ecuador, has fought oil companies that want to break into their territory for more than twenty years. For her struggle, she has been tried, slandered, and threatened with death. Who is afraid of Patricia Gualinga?

In Morona Santiago, Deforestation Exists Alongside Poverty and Cultural Change

Forged documents, cloned trucks, and bribes are some of the methods used by the illegal loggers in Ecuador’s Morona Santiago province to extract timber from the rainforest which the Shuar nation struggle to protect. Government mining concessions to their land have led to evictions and leaders being sued for protesting.

The Long Road from Cuba

Between 2014 and 2016, more than 100,000 Cubans entered the United States on foot. This is the story of three Cubans who made a clandestine voyage from Quito, Ecuador, to El Paso, Texas.

Glazing and Health as Family Affairs

In La Victoria, Ecuador, alternatives to lead glazing of tiles and painting bowls with gasoline in La Victoria are not perfect, but their intentions—healthy children—are great.

Q&A: How a Soybean Boom Threatens the Amazon

Philip Fearnside, a biologist who studies the relationship between human activities, such as agriculture, and the protection of tropical forests, says that soy production threatens the Amazon forest.