

Ecuador: A Culture of Quality

Ecuador's government is pushing for a "culture of quality" that emphasizes higher education and improved academic rigor. However, freedom to choose a path of study is not guaranteed.

Ecuador: Rich and Poor

In Quito, residents' daily lives reflect their socioeconomic status. However, nationwide development and improvements to the education system may help close the gap.

The Andes’ Melting Glaciers

The Andes' glaciers are rapidly melting as global temperatures continue to rise. Climate change has already taken a heavy toll on the glaciers of Antisana, Ecuador’s fourth highest mountain.

Ecuador: Antisana's Vanishing Glaciers

Climate change may affect not only the ice cap on Antisana, but also the páramo, the spongy grassland that surrounds it—and provides Quito, Ecuador's capital, with one-third of its water.

Bushmeat Market and Degradation of the Ecuadorian Rainforest

The rise of commercial hunting in Ecuador is disrupting the balance of the Ecuadorian ecosystem.

A recent report estimated that 12 tons of bushmeat is sold every year at the Pompeya market and most of the bushmeat is being hunted by the native Huaorani.

Nearly 50 species of animals are traded each year in the markets and the impact of the large scale poaching is causing problems for the environment. The hunting of large mammals is impacting seed dispersal and allowing for less control on the growth of smaller seed-eating rodents.