
Global Climate Action Summit - Inclusive Economic Growth

Syrian Seeds Sow Hope for Global Food Security

A research center is rebuilding their seed collection in Lebanon after fleeing Aleppo in Syria. Their collection is of vital importance for global food security in a changing climate.

Power to the People

How India is emerging as a proving ground for clean power as the country pledges to electrify rural areas.

Can Palm Oil Ever Be Grown Sustainably?

Palm oil—a product that appears in candy bars, cereal, and cosmetics—is a product the world needs. But can it be produced in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner?

Who Cares About Patagonia?

Patagonia, a region shared by Argentina and Chile, is well known for its unparalled panoramic views, unblemished status and remoteness. What will be the impact of a mega-project for dam construction?

Organic Agriculture and Cooperative Farming in Cuba

Farm workers at Organoponico Vivero Alamar, an organic, sustainable farm in Cuba can earn more than government employees. This project explores what other countries can learn from Cuba's model.

Can Biotechnology Save Africa?

African farmers already struggle to grow sufficient maize, which is a thirsty, fertilizer-hungry crop. What will happen as the climate changes and the population grows?