

In Health, Pulitzer Center grantees delve into some of the world’s most pressing health issues and challenges. Featuring a wide range of topics from chronic illnesses to outbreaks and epidemics to reproductive health and public health systems, our reporting looks at the breadth of health issues found across the globe.

We also look at the global footprint of cancer, which kills more people than HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. We examine the disproportionate burden placed on poorer countries, as well as the medical and business innovations that allow for treatment once thought too costly or too difficult to deliver.

Other projects look at mental health, including the trauma caused by conflicts like the wars in Syria and Yemen, the effects of pollution on communities, and safety and injury-related deaths, such as in our ongoing Roads Kill project.

By telling the stories of patients, caregivers, and scientists, our reporters are drawing outbreak comparisons and providing lessons for prevention. They are also taking on the challenge of communicating technical information to the lay ear, and ultimately filling the gap between the scientific and public understanding of health crises.


Video Narrative: CRISIS II

As news of the pandemic's arrival to New York City spread, public reaction varied from denial to disbelief to panic. With conflicting messages from the government about the virus, New Yorkers were left to fill in the gaps.

Video Narrative: CRISIS I

In January, The World Health Organization published its first Disease Outbreak News on a novel coronavirus. By March 13, President Trump declared the COVID-19 pandemic a national emergency. The U.S. officially was in crisis.

Russia: Anti-Gay Policies and a Surge in HIV

Russia's government crackdown on the LGBT community is fueling an alarming increase in the AIDS epidemic in Russia. New infections increased by 10 percent in 2013.

Health and Obesity in the UK

Half the population of the United Kingdom may be obese by 2050. What are the causes and what is being done?

Saving Kenya’s Mothers

Kenya continues to lose 7,000 mothers to preventable deaths each year. If the solutions are known, why has there been so little progress in saving their lives?

Tasmania's Opioid Farms

Farmers in the Australian state of Tasmania raise a majority of the world’s legal pharmaceutical opiates. Is the lucrative poppy crop easing global pain or fueling an epidemic?

Cervical Cancer in Uganda

In the U.S., the HPV vaccine and regular pap smears have almost stopped the pervasiveness of cervical cancer in its tracks. In Uganda, however, cervical cancer is the most fatal cancer for women.