

In Health, Pulitzer Center grantees delve into some of the world’s most pressing health issues and challenges. Featuring a wide range of topics from chronic illnesses to outbreaks and epidemics to reproductive health and public health systems, our reporting looks at the breadth of health issues found across the globe.

We also look at the global footprint of cancer, which kills more people than HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. We examine the disproportionate burden placed on poorer countries, as well as the medical and business innovations that allow for treatment once thought too costly or too difficult to deliver.

Other projects look at mental health, including the trauma caused by conflicts like the wars in Syria and Yemen, the effects of pollution on communities, and safety and injury-related deaths, such as in our ongoing Roads Kill project.

By telling the stories of patients, caregivers, and scientists, our reporters are drawing outbreak comparisons and providing lessons for prevention. They are also taking on the challenge of communicating technical information to the lay ear, and ultimately filling the gap between the scientific and public understanding of health crises.


The Tragedy of the "Good" Orphanage

We’ve all heard stories about abusive orphanages. But there’s a bigger problem: good orphanages. Rich countries abolished orphanages decades ago. So why do we keep them going in poor countries?

Salvadoran Women and Suicide

Abortion restrictions, gang violence, social pressure. In many cases, women in El Salvador can’t make decisions on their own and end up turning to suicide.

The Future of Family Planning in India

India will soon be the most populous country in the world. Innovators throughout the country are creating new tools to help families stay small while taking control of their reproductive destinies.

India's Rumor Busters Face Daunting Task

This project explores efforts being made across India—from government, media and tech companies—to address the issue of disinformation spreading on social media and messaging platforms.

London Smog

The city of London is embroiled in a long-standing battle against air pollution. Are its latest efforts enough, or is it too little too late?

The 2011 Japan Tsunami

From the personal to international, examining the long-term cultural impact of the 2011 Japan tsunami.

HIV-AIDS in the US

Terrisha Jackson from School Without Walls in Washington DC explores the challenges of treating and preventing HIV-AIDS in the US.

This Week: Cracking the Indian Patriarchy

A poor school for girls in rural India reshapes the role of women, how Iraq's legal institutions are struggling to give closure to victims, and HIV's hold on Nigeria, Russia, and Florida.