

The Factories in the Camps

Observers have long warned of rising forced labor in Xinjiang. Satellite images show factories built just steps away from cell blocks.

Inside a Xinjiang Detention Camp

In a lush countryside idyll known for its horse farms and fields of yellow flowers, China built a system of total control.

Multimedia Site: Mined Amazon (Portuguese)

The Mined Amazon project inspects the Brazilian government by monitoring thousands of mining applications that threaten the peoples of the Amazon.

The Clusters of the Pandemic in Costa Rica

Social activities and a hospital were the biggest sources of COVID-19 in Costa Rica during the first few months of the pandemic, but such clusters were not the most common. How did the virus spread?

Smoke Screen (Portuguese)

A detailed analysis reveals the intrinsic relationship between fire and deforestation in the Amazon over the past two years.

Everyday Africa Curriculum

This flexible curriculum allows any educator to use the rich concepts and resources in the "Everyday Africa" project both in and out of the classroom.

Your Voice: #EdenWalk

Check out our RebelMouse page to see tweets from Paul Salopek, educators and students. Add your voice with #edenwalk.

Gaps in the Global Fight Against AIDS

We can now envision a post-AIDS world, but marginalized communities are still being left behind. In the global fight against AIDS, business as usual will not end the epidemic.