Stephanie Hanes

Stephanie Hanes's picture

Stephanie Hanes is a freelance reporter whose work has appeared in more than a dozen national publications, including Smithsonian Magazine, the Christian Science Monitor, Africa Geographic, and USA Today. She was a staff reporter at The Baltimore Sun before moving to Johannesburg, South Africa, where she lived for four years.

In southern Africa, she covered topics ranging from conservation to HIV/AIDS to the new art of "car spinning" in South African townships. Reporting from Rwanda, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, she worked with the Pulitzer Center on a series of stories about the environmental impact of human conflict and later won an Alicia Patterson journalism fellowship to continue her reporting in and around the Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique.

Her first book, "White Man's Game: Saving Animals, Rebuilding Eden and Other Myths of Conservation in Africa," stems from her reporting on Gorongosa National Park. It was published in 2017.