

Hope: Living and Loving with HIV in Jamaica

Poet and writer Kwame Dawes travels to Jamaica to explore the experience of people living with HIV/AIDS and to examine the ways in which the disease has shaped their lives. The journey brings him in touch with people who tell their stories, share their lives and teach him about resilience,...

Heroes of HIV: HIV in the Caribbean

With HIV rates second only to those of sub-Saharan Africa, Caribbean islands that conjure visions of sun and sand now highlight the interplay between poverty and the epidemic in this hemisphere.

Restaveks: Child Slaves of Haiti

Child slaves make up about 10 percent of the youth population in Haiti. Driven out of economic depravity, many parents are sending their children to live with others and serve as indentured servants in order to secure their survival. In a short documentary, Dane Liu and Carmen Russell explore the...

This Week in Review: What We Eat

Long a staple in the developing world, palm oil’s versatility and long shelf-life are fueling a surging demand that has turned it into a lucrative cash crop--with devastating consequences.