
Canada: Kill the Indian, Save the Man

MIKE PINAY, Qu’Appelle Indian Residential School (1953-1963).“It was the worst 10 years of my life. I was away from my family from the age of six to 16. How do you learn about family? I didn’t know what love was. We weren’t even known by names back then. I was a number.” Image by Daniella Zalcman. Canada, 2015.

MIKE PINAY, Qu’Appelle Indian Residential School (1953-1963).“It was the worst 10 years of my life. I was away from my family from the age of six to 16. How do you learn about family? I didn’t know what love was. We weren’t even known by names back then. I was a number.” Image by Daniella Zalcman. Canada, 2015.

For more than a century, Canada’s sustained effort to eradicate Indigenous culture hinged on targeting the population’s most vulnerable group: its children.

The government funded a network of church-run Indian Residential Schools that were designed to forcibly assimilate Indigenous children into Western thought and practices. Students were stripped of their tribal language, traditions, and spirituality. They were told the only valid historical authority belonged to Canada’s European settlers, not their own elders.

To view the full project in World Policy Journal, click here.