
Conservation and Conflict in the Congo

A park ranger crosses the court yard in front of the burned-out shell of the administration building torched and looted by Mai Mai rebels in Epulu, Province Orientale, last June. Image by Francesca Tosarelli. DRC, 2013.

The Pemba I pygmy community displays its resistance to the incursion of the nature reserve on their traditional lands. Image by Francesca Tosarelli. Province Orientale, DRC, 2013.

Bernard Iyomi Iyatshi, the new director of the Wildlife Authority in the Ituri rainforest, stands with two heavily armed park rangers at their base in Epulu, Mambasa territory. Image by Francesca Tosarelli. Province Orientale, DRC, 2013.

Park rangers on patrol tracking poachers are on alert. Image by Francesca Tosarelli. Province Orientale, DRC, 2013.

Park rangers take a rest while on patrol in the nature reserve. Image by Francesca Tosarelli. Province Orientale, DRC, 2013.

Justine Hawa, abducted by Mai Mai Morgan and held as a sex slave for eight months, holds her newborn baby in Epulu, Province Orientale. Image by Francesca Tosarelli. DRC, 2013.

Masika Daya, abducted by Morgan to be one of his ten "wives," stands in the grounds of the prison in Bunia where she is held by local authorities. Image by Francesca Tosarelli. Province Orientale, DRC, 2013.

Rosmarie Ruf, co-founder of the Okapi Zoo, sits by the Epulu river. In an attack last June, Mai Mai slaughtered all the okapis in the zoo that she has built over 25 years. Image by Francesca Tosarelli. Province Orientale, DRC, 2013.

A tropical storm gathers over Epulu as night falls. Image by Francesca Tosarelli. Province Orientale, DRC, 2013.

Mambasa was once the most peaceful territory in Province Orientale in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Over the last nine months, however, a simmering land conflict has resulted in a brutal militia carrying out attacks of astonishing inhumanity, targeting the local community and the park rangers who patrol the vast Ituri rainforest tracking poachers.

The militia is known as Mai Mai Morgan after its leader, a former poacher possessed of a burning hatred for the rangers who arrested him in the past. Morgan and his men have committed murder, mass rape, torture, cannibalism, kidnaps and have burned their enemies alive.

Their fight, they say, is for the land that they claim is rightfully theirs. Morgan hates the restrictions imposed by the laws governing the vast nature reserve in the Ituri rainforest known as the Okapi Fauna Reserve.  The reserve covers 13,000 sq km and prevents local communities hunting endangered animals or digging for minerals.

The park rangers are backed by international conservation organisations, including the Wildlife Conservation Society, Worldwide Fund for Nature and USAID. They claim Morgan is simply a lunatic. Locals, however, say he has a point, and they want greater freedoms on their land. Meanwhile, the state’s only reaction is to send in its undisciplined and underpaid soldiers, who harass locals, poach animals and dig for minerals in the reserve.

While a few voices call for dialogue, the danger is that the local communities and the reserve authorities are growing increasingly antagonistic. The result is a volatile mix of resentment and misunderstanding, creating an environment in which armed groups like Mai Mai Morgan continue to profit and wreak havoc.