
'Fire Corporation' Investigation Video Series (bahasa Indonesia)

Tempo’s collaboration with Mongabay Indonesia, Betahita, Malaysiakini, and Auriga Nusantara found traces of the involvement of a number of forestry and oil palm plantation companies in the big forest fire in 2019. Image courtesy of Indonesia, undated.

This series of three videos accompanies a story that appeared on the cover of Tempo Magazine's 14-20 September, 2020, edition. Titled “Fire Corporation,” this project uncovered the involvement of forestry and oil palm companies in Indonesia's massive forest fires in 2019. The reporting was done through collaboration between Tempo, Mongabay Indonesia, Betahita, Malaysiakini and Auriga Nusantara.

Tiga serial video ini melengkapi Laporan Utama Majalah Tempo “Korporasi Api” 14 – 20 September 2020 yang mengungkap jejak-jejak keterlibatan perusahaan kehutanan dan sawit dalam kebakaran hebat tahun 2019. Laporan ini hasil kolaborasi Tempo Bersama Mongabay Indonesia, Betahita, Malaysiakini, dan Auriga Nusantara.


Tempo’s collaboration with Mongabay Indonesia, Betahita, Malaysiakini, and Auriga Nusantara found traces of the involvement of a number of forestry and oil palm plantation companies in the big forest fire in 2019.

Kolaborasi Tempo bersama Mongabay, Betahita, Malaysiakini, dan Auriga Nusantara menemukan jejak keterlibatan sejumlah perusahaan kehutanan dan perkebunan sawit dalam kebakaran hebat setahun lalu.


View the full video in bahasa Indonesia on Tempo's website.

Interview with Bambang Hero Saharjo, a forest and land fire forensic expert, uncovered that the law enforcement of the forest fire cases in Indonesia is selective and unclear. There were even criminal cases of forest fires stopped.

Wawancara Bambang Hero Saharjo, ahli forensik kebakaran hutan dan lahan mengungkap penegakan hukum kebakaran hutan di Indonesia tebang pilih dan tidak jelas. Bahkan ada kasus kebakran yang pidananya dihentikan.

View the full video in bahasa Indonesia on Tempo's website.

Why can building canals in peatlands trigger disasters? Digging the canals will dry the water stored in the peatland quickly and will cause the peatland to dry quickly and burn easily.

Mengapa Pembangun Kanal di Gambut Bisa Memicu Bencana? Pembuatan kanal-kanal membuat air yang tersimpan di lahan gambut cepat keluar akibat lahan gambut akan cepat kering dan mudah terbakar.