
Omnibus Law Is Considered To Weaken Environmental Law Enforcement (bahasa Indonesia)

Aerial Image of the Indonesia Parliament Complex, also known as the DPR / MPR building, with Jakarta's cityscape at midday. Image by  Creativa Images / Shutterstock. Indonesia, 2018.

Aerial Image of the Indonesia Parliament Complex, also known as the DPR / MPR building, with Jakarta's cityscape at midday. Image by  Creativa Images / Shutterstock. Indonesia, 2018.

Raynaldo G. Sembiring carefully watched the job creation bill working committee meeting on Wednesday, September 2. As he followed the meeting online on TV Parlemen, the Indonesian Centre for Environment Law executive director was still worried that the bill, part of the planned Omnibus Law, would weaken environmental and forestry law enforcement.

“The job creation bill systematically relaxes permits, public participation, and law enforcement. This has to do with the both ends of our ecosystem,” said Dodo—as Raynaldo is called—on September 9.

Raynaldo G. Sembiring tak mau buru-buru bungah menyimak rapat Panitia Kerja Rancangan Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja, Rabu, 2 September 2020. Menyaksikan jalannya rapat via siaran online TV Parlemen, Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Centre for Environment Law itu tetap khawatir rancangan wet yang dikenal sebagai omnibus law tersebut bakal memperlemah penegakan hukum lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan.

“RUU Cipta Kerja ini secara sistematis memperlonggar perizinan, partisipasi publik, dan penegakan hukum. Ini menyangkut aspek hulu dan hilir ekosistem kita,” kata Dodo—panggilan Raynaldo—Rabu, 9 September lalu.

To read the full version of this article in bahasa Indonesia, visit Betahita's website.