
Outbreaks and Epidemics

In the Pandemic, Latin America Has Not Protected Women From Their Aggressors (Spanish)

The investigation by the Centinela COVID-19 journalistic alliance in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Nicaragua shows the many faces of this silent tragedy and the failures in official protections.

Russia: Anti-Gay Policies and a Surge in HIV

Russia's government crackdown on the LGBT community is fueling an alarming increase in the AIDS epidemic in Russia. New infections increased by 10 percent in 2013.

The Price of Health: TB Budget Gaps in Vietnam

Vietnam has less than 30 percent of the funding needed to fight tuberculosis. With only the most basic treatment programs, the country may soon be faced with the spread of a drug-resistant strain.

Shame: HIV/AIDS and the Church in Jamaica

Jamaica is proud of its religious tradition, but how has the Jamaican church responded to the complex challenges of HIV/AIDS in a changing society?

South Africa: When the Drugs Don't Work

Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death in South Africa. Drug resistance is now so strong that patients are sent home to die. However, new drugs are being made available through trials or NGOs.

India: Polio-Free and Looking Ahead at mHealth

During two days in February, 170 million children will be vaccinated for polio in India. And in the last two years, none of them have seen polio. India moves on from polio and forays into mHealth.

The Forgotten: HIV and the Garifuna of Honduras

The Garifuna have historically been forgotten in Honduras and currently face one of the highest HIV rates in the Western Hemisphere. Traditional music and dance help raise awareness.

Changing Waters: Cholera Permeates Life in Haiti

Before the international response to the earthquake of 2010 one challenge Haiti didn't face was cholera. Now it does, with 7,000 already dead and a continuing challenge for the entire country.

Zambia: AIDS at a Turning Point

AIDS activists are beginning a new fight against the disease after health workers went on strike in 2009 to protest the theft from Zambia's Ministry of Health.