
Water and Sanitation

Land Grabbing Worsens Climate Change

Forestland grabs are not only denying land rights to forest communities and indigenous people but also leading to biodiversity loss and climate change.

No Man's Land

One of Indonesia’s biggest agricultural industries is also one of its filthiest. A visit to the palm-oil plantations and the people whose lives are shaped by this demanding crop.

How Cape Town Defeated Day Zero—for Now

Reporting from Cape Town, South Africa, Jacqueline Flynn explores the reality of living with Level 6 water restrictions and the little changes that made the biggest difference for Capetonians during the water crisis.

Cape Town Water Crisis: A Timeline

What were the first signs of a looming water crisis in Cape Town? What restrictions were placed on residents? And how did Capetonians reduce their water consumption?

Ameto Akpe at the Wilson Center

Ameto Akpe's presentation on water management in Nigeria is highlighted on the New Security Beat, a blog hosted by the Wilson Center's Environmental Change and Security Program.