
Jason Motlagh at Northwestern University Medill

Nawroz and his son Zewarshah at their home in Charkh, Aghanistan, in 2015. Nawroz had sent his sons out to collect grain on the morning of August 3 only to have Zewarshah witness the death of his younger brother, Ayman, whose nickname was Sufi. Image by Jason Motlagh. Afghanistan, 2015.

Nawroz and his son Zewarshah at their home in Charkh, Aghanistan, in 2015. Nawroz had sent his sons out to collect grain on the morning of August 3 only to have Zewarshah witness the death of his younger brother, Ayman, whose nickname was Sufi. Image by Jason Motlagh. Afghanistan, 2015.

Monday, May 1, 2017 - 04:00pm EDT (GMT -0400)
Northwestern University Medill
Fisk Hall - Room 307 - Clark Adams Building
1845 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208
United States

Pulitzer Center grantee journalist Jason Motlagh presents key moments of his recent reporting from Asia and Latin America and shares stories about his transition from print to video and broadcast journalism on Monday, May 1, 2017, at Campus Consortium partner Northwestern University Medill

The Pulitzer Center has supported 15 of Motlagh's reporting projects over the last seven years. 

This event is part of Motlagh's two-day visit on May 1 and May 2 to Northwestern University Medill, where he will speak to undergraduate and graduate students studying a range of topics from foreign policy to long-form writing and video.


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