
Congo's Conflict: Profit and Loss

The war beginning in 1998 that pitted the armies of Congo, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Angola against those of Uganda and Rwanda induced the largest humanitarian disaster since World War II, with an estimated four million Congolese lives lost. Congo's first national elections since 1965 have taken place, but true peace and democracy remain elusive goals.

The population is continuously caught in a deadly whirlpool fueled by weapons transfers, infrastructure breakdown, ineffective leadership and insecurity. Mvemba Phezo Dizolele traveled through Congo in June and July to cover one of the most under-reported conflicts in the world today. His reports on the elections, small arms trade and the role of Coltan in the ongoing conflict have appeared in The New York Times, The St. Louis Post Dispatch and on PBS.

Mining in the DRC

Mining is becoming a growing industry in DRC where many farmers are switching jobs to join the destructive industry.

Coltan Processing

Coltan mining continues to grow in the DRC. Coltan is commonly used in mobile phones, and the DRC counts for one of the world's largest coltan reserves.

Victims of War

Women and children have been raped systematically by the armed forces in the conflict. Also, about 1200 people die daily because of non-direct fighting, according to some NGOs.