
Field Notes

Field notes, written by our grantees, are personal reflections that take the reader behind-the-scenes of their reporting.

Signs of Execution

On the night of June 21, 2017, seven people died from drug-related deaths, adding to the more than 12,000 dead since President Duterte began his war on drugs in the Philippines.

Killers Haunt a Wake

A mother recounts the night her son was murdered and how the killers scared mourners from his wake.

A Brother's Death

A young woman mourns the death of a brother during the Duterte administration's war on drugs.

Haiti: Trash in Paradise

Rebecca Hersher explores the cost of not having a public sanitation system on the community of Cite Soleil in Haiti.

Ramadan in Refuge

Breaking fast and hearing stories from resettled refugees in Berlin, one iftar at a time.

Turkish-German Iftar

Breaking fast with the biggest Islamic organization in Germany, one with controversial ties to the Turkish government, and a Syrian take on religion, compulsion, and "helping refugees."