
Huffington Post

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Africa: Instruments of Oppression

Thousands of rape victims around the world undergo grisly and unsafe abortions because of U.S. policy. Obama could change this with a single executive action. Why hasn't he?

To Have Irish

Irish speakers are earnestly holding on to a cultural treasure. In a nation where it is recognized as the national language but rarely treated as such, the Irish language is fighting to stay alive.

Crimea's Drug Users in a Predicament

When Russia annexed Crimea in March of this year, it closed down all OST (opioid substitution therapy) programs. As a result, drug users in Crimea have found themselves in a serious predicament.

Transgender Crimea

Pasha is a transgender person from Sevastopol, Crimea, but Russia's annexation of the peninsula earlier this year threw his whole life into chaos. Today he is a refugee in Kiev.