

A Mirage of Luxury Built on Sand

Magnum nominee Sim Chi Yin’s ongoing project, Shifting Sands, examines the global hunger for sand, and the ill-regulated, under-documented industry it has fed. 

A Sharp Initiative

The Pulitzer Center and The College of William & Mary created a unique initiative to provide deeper global learning and storytelling experiences for students.

With support from William & Mary alumni, Anne and Barry Sharp, The College launched its Campus Consortium partnership in fall 2011 with the...

Kashmir: The Rise of a Hard Faith

A gentle, mystical form of Islam commonly practiced by millions in Kashmir is now being challenged by a much more puritanical and doctrinaire version imported from Saudi Arabia.

India's Anna Hazare: A Gandhian for Today?

Anna Hazare, inspired by Gandhi, transformed a village—Ralegan Siddhi, his hometown. Now, 74 years old, he wants to rid his country of corruption using the same tactics of non-violent resistance.

China’s Bachelors: When Men Outnumber Women

By 2020, China is expected to have 24 million more men than women, leaving the countryside filled with aging bachelors, the consequence of a gender imbalance caused by sex-selective abortions.

A Question of Caste in a Globalizing India

Thought by some to be irrelevant in the "new" India, caste still determines access to opportunities and defines Indian society. This project will look at the persistence of caste in this rising economic giant.

Outlawed in Pakistan

“Outlawed in Pakistan” tells the story of Kainat Soomro as she takes her rape case to Pakistan’s deeply flawed court system in hopes of finding justice.

Nepal: Married Before They’re Ready

In Nepal, child marriage affects every aspect of a girl’s life, from her education prospects to her physical and mental health to her chances for escaping poverty.

China's Fragile Forests

Natural forests cover about 10 percent of China’s surface area, but large swathes of China’s forests have been destroyed as a result of logging, mining, wood and plant collection.

The Plight of the Burmese in Thailand

Millions of Burmese cross over to Thailand to escape political, social and economic hardships. But labor traffickers prevent many Burmese from achieving a better life.

This Week: Mine Control

Chinese dollars and the Chinese themselves have been pouring into Africa, mining the continent’s abundant resources, opening businesses, building infrastructure and generally making everyone nervous.