
Introducing Jeffrey Barbee

Jeffrey Barbee, for the Pulitzer Center
Copenhagen, Denmark

Photographer Jeffrey Barbee is in Copenhagen to document the climate talks. He just left Malawi where he learned about carbon trading with respect to Africa's forests, which are being consumed for firewood.

Jeffrey Barbee was born in the mountains of Colorado and brought up in the African country of Malawi and works as a photojournalist out of his studio in Johannesburg, South Africa. Starting his photographic education in 1994 at an institute in the US, Barbee went on to work for National Geographic photographer David Hiser as an apprentice and assistant. He returned in 1996 to Africa to work full time in photojournalism. Barbee's photographic work on AIDS, education and environmental topics appears regularly in The New York Times, the Guardian, Newsweek, GEO and other newspapers and magazines.

This story was reported for the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting as part of the Copenhagen News Collaborative, a cooperative project of several independent news organizations. Check out the feed here from Mother Jones.