
Podcast: Why Are Insects Disappearing? (French)

Insect house hotel made out of natural wood material created to provide shelter for insects to prevent their extinction. Image by Shutterstock.

An insect hotel made out of natural wood material provides shelter for insects to prevent their extinction. Image by Shutterstock. 

80% of insects have disappeared in 30 years. All land and water species are affected and the phenomenon is worldwide. What do scientific studies really say? How can we explain the extent of this phenomenon?

80% des insectes auraient disparu en 30 ans. Toutes les espèces terrestres ou d'eau douce sont concernées et le phénomène est mondial. Que disent réellement les études scientifiques ? Comment expliquer l'ampleur de ce phénomène ?

To hear the full podcast in French, visit the RFI website.