
Chronic Illnesses and Challenges

India: Choke Point Kolkata

Chemical and solid waste disposal wreak havoc on the air, water and soil in and around Kolkata, India, a city with a population of more than 14 million, where only 10 percent of waste is recycled.

India: A Ticking Time Bomb

Diabetes, cancer and cardio vascular diseases are no longer just problems for western countries. In India they are now the leading cause of every second death.

Chronic Diseases Underestimated in India

Chronic diseases are not only increasing in developed countries, but also in developing countries such as India. However, unlike patients in Germany, patients in India can hardly get treatment.

In Uganda, "Cancer Is Death"

We're used to hearing about malaria, even HIV/AIDS when it comes to health concerns of Africa. But it might surprise you to know that cancer is growing as a leading cause of death.

Nepal: A Day at the Lahachowk Dental Clinic

Technicians at not-for-profit dental clinics in Nepal receive special training in procedures that allow them to do simple fillings and extractions in areas that lack electricity.

Obstacles to Providing Oral Healthcare in Nepal

In Nepal, myths abound about the consequences of dental treatment. People fear deafness and blindness. New mothers are routinely told not to brush their teeth for two months after giving birth.