
Systems and Safety

South Africa: Ntuthu's Choice to Bear Life

In South Africa, HIV positive women are not encouraged to have children. Ntuthu, who is HIV positive but wanted to have a baby, found the information she needed to give birth to a healthy child.

Brazil: The Rio Reality

If India plans to emulate the cash transfer program of Brazil, it needs to remember one thing - the program there is not about reducing subsidies, but increasing the efficiency of aid delivery.

Britain's Foreign Aid: Follow the Money

The trend-setting British aid agency DfID is establishing requirements that recipients of aid funding disclose how they are actually spending the money. Transparency like this could be a game-changer.

Kenya: A Conversation with John Githongo

Nobody in Kenya knows the consequences of corruption better than John Githongo, who talks to Sam Loewenberg about the cruel intersection of politics, natural resources, and foreign aid.