

Conflict takes many forms, from disagreements between different political parties to indigenous communities battling government and corporate interests to full-blown warfare. Pulitzer Center grantee stories tagged with “Conflict” feature reporting that covers adversarial politics, war and peace. Use the Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder to find and create lesson plans on conflict.


Loss of Trees, Loss of Livelihood

In 1995, a Rwandan named Gad Tegeri cut down a tree in the Gishwati Forest Reserve, 30 square miles of soaring hardwoods in the hills east of Rwanda's largest lake.

He and his family, returning to Rwanda from exile in Congo, needed land to grow food. The Gishwati forest seemed more fertile ground for restarting life than United Nations refugee camps outside the city of Gisenyi

A Week with the African Union

US Holocaust Memorial Museum Committee on Conscience

Award winning journalist and director of the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, Jon Sawyer, recently returned from Darfur where he spent a week traveling with African Union troops. He discusses patrols with the African Union, the attacks near the Chad border, the capabilities, limitations, and morale of the troops, and the mission of the newly founded Pulitzer Center.

Our Choice, Too: On the Edge in Darfur

Peacekeeping mission undertaken by the African Union in Darfur, Sudan, is said to be ineffective. A documentary produced by Pulitzer Center's Jon Sawyer reveals what actually goes on in the region.

What Peace?

They have made a difference in Darfur, Sudan. But understaffed and underfunded—rarely able to halt aggressive attacks, the African Union peacekeeping force is becoming a target of violence themselves.

Darfur: On the Ground

African Union’s inaugural peacekeeping mission in Darfur, Sudan has made a difference amid the genocide. But as violence worsens, the lack of funds is threatening to downsize the already small force.

Darfur Images, Part III

The photographs presented here capture the lives of people in the Darfur region, the look of the countryside, and the challenges faced by African Union soldiers and police.

Darfur Images, Part II

The photographs presented here capture the lives of people in the Darfur region, the look of the countryside, and the challenges faced by African Union soldiers and police.