

Some news stories require greater investments of time to report, with journalists conducting exhaustive investigations using data, public and private records and interviews with a host of sources. Pulitzer Center grantee stories tagged with “Investigative” feature in-depth reporting that delves deeply into serious issues. Use the Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder to find and create lesson plans on investigative journalism.


The Cost of Gold: A Gold Mine is Born

With picks in hand, children in tow, and eager for quick profits, miners follow fresh rumors of gold hoping to strike it rich in remote regions of Burkina Faso.

Fixing Nigeria's Water Pumps

In Nigeria’s conservative north, a woman working under a scheme that strives to facilitate sustainable water pumps proves that what a man can do she can do just as well.

China's Problem-plagued Health Aid in Africa

China's emergence as a new global power has brought pressure to give back as it takes from Africa. Fake drugs and corruption on both sides have thrown a wrench in those plans.

Botswana: Vestiges of Water

In the remote corner of Botswana near the Namibian border, the San village of Shaikerawe has long been pocked with dry boreholes and empty bowsers.