2020 Reporting Fellows

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Julia Knoerr's picture
Reporting Fellow
Originally from Los Angeles, Julia Knoerr studies Political Science and Hispanic Studies at Davidson College. As an Editor-in-Chief of The Davidsonian, Davidson's independent student...
Armaja LaRue-Hill's picture
Reporting Fellow
Armaja is the 2020 Reporting Fellow from the University of Missouri School of Journalism. She is currently pursuing degrees in computer science and documentary journalism. Armaja's Pulitzer Center-...
Stephanie Mejías's picture
Reporting Fellow
Stephanie Mejías is a cultural journalist from Valencia, Venezuela. Her work focuses on analyzing the role of dance in broader culture, and writes at the intersection of dance, race, and gender. She...
Apoorva Mittal's picture
Reporting Fellow
Apoorva Mittal is currently working at National Public Radio’s (NPR) All Things Considered. A graduate from Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University, Apoorva was awarded the...
Josee Molavi's picture
Reporting Fellow
Josee Molavi is a documentary filmmaker and immigration justice advocate passionate about human rights and bilingual storytelling. She has focused on documenting the stories of Latinx immigrant...
Debra Mullis's picture
Reporting Fellow
Debra Mullis lives in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and is a student at Forsyth Technical Community College. Debra began editing Forsyth Tech’s newspaper, Technically Speaking, as a high...
Jordan Neisler's picture
Reporting Fellow
Jordan Neisler is currently a senior at Flagler College in St. Augustine, FL. She is majoring in strategic communication and minoring in history and advertising and she will graduate in December 2020...
Claire Potter's picture
Pulitzer Center alumni, Reporting Fellow
Claire Potter is a rising senior at the University of Chicago studying History and English Literature who hopes to pursue journalism after college. Her reporting interests include climate change,...
Brian Ryu's picture
Reporting Fellow
Brian Ryu is a Korean filmmaker. He is currently receiving his Master’s degree in journalism from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Previously, his animations have appeared in...
Meera Santhanam's picture
Reporting Fellow
Meera Santhanam is a political science major and chemistry minor at the University of Chicago passionate about creating a more equitable criminal justice system. She has worked as an investigative...