
Land Use in Cameroon: The Challenging Relationship Between Industrial Actors and Local Communities (French)

Image courtesy of Panorama Papers. Cameroon, undated.

Image courtesy of Panorama Papers. Cameroon, undated.

First report: The conflict between the Mbandjock, Nkoteng, and Lembe-Yezoum populations and the agro-industrial company Sosucam, which exploits 24,000 hectares of sugar cane land in these districts.

Premier reportage: conflit entre les populations de Mbandjock, Nkoteng, Lembe-Yezoum, et l’agro-industriel Sosucam qui exploite dans ces arrondissements, 24000ha de terres pour sa canne à sucre.


Second production: Hevea, the new weapon of massive deforestation in Dja and Lobo.

Deuxième production: Hévéa, la nouvelle arme de déforestation massive dans le Dja et Lobo.


Third episode: Relations between concession holders and local populations. In this episode, we talk about the issue of just compensation between South Cameroon Hevea and the communities.

Troisieme episode: Relations entre concessionnaires et populations riveraines. Ce jour on parle des problèmes d’indemnisations entre Sud Cameroun Hevea et les communautés.


Final episode of the series: In this episode, we address how local communities are the soft underbelly (weak spot) for agro-industry, focusing on the cases of Sosucam and SudCam.

Dernière sortie de ma série. Ici, la question de l'emploi des communautés locales, comme le ventre mou des agro-industries: cas de la Sosucam et SudCam.