
Water and Sanitation

Poland: After the Shale Gas Bubble

A year on, Dimiter Kenarov re-examines the shale gas bubble that fueled his investigation into hydraulic fracturing and sustainable energy resources, from Poland to Pennsylvania.

iNepal: Two Photographers, Same Device

Photography is what and how the photographer sees—not what the photographer uses. See how photographers Steve Matzker and Jennifer Gonzalez used their iPhones to document their time in Nepal.

Panama: The Priest in the Protest

When protests broke out near the Ngäbe-Buglé semi-autonomous region in 2012, American missionary priest Joe Fitzgerald was forced to assume a role that indigenous people could not.

Managing Ghana's Waste

Waste management services in Ghana have improved since private companies entered the scene. Even so, Ghana is running out of places to put its trash and is looking for alternative methods of disposal.

Panama: Dam Promises or Dam Lies?

Government officials say the construction of a hydroelectric dam in western Panama is necessary to address a national electricity emergency, but local residents say they won’t benefit.