

Culture rests at the core of how people live their lives and experience the world. Pulitzer Center grantee stories tagged with “Culture” feature reporting that covers knowledge, belief, art, morals, law and customs. Use the Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder to find and create lesson plans on culture.


Taxi in Tbilisi

From actor in St. Petersburg to taxi driver in Tbilisi: one displaced person's search for a place to belong.

Russian Boarding House: New Year's Party

The New Year's party organized for patients of the "female" psycho-neurological boarding house is receiving guests—patients from the "male" psycho-neurological boarding house.

Ukraine: Women of the War

Five years after the conflict on the eastern front of Ukraine began, how have women defined the war? And, perhaps, has the war created a new landscape for women?

Russia: Anti-Gay Policies and a Surge in HIV

Russia's government crackdown on the LGBT community is fueling an alarming increase in the AIDS epidemic in Russia. New infections increased by 10 percent in 2013.

Stories of Hope: Growing Up in Lebanon

Beirut is fissured from political and sectarian strain. Many of the kids living there are on the edges of those cracks. This project tells the stories of those kids as radio and video portraits.

Bulgaria 25 Years After Communism

A look at the intended—and unintended effects—of democracy on Bulgaria, a nation still undergoing social and economic upheaval, 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The Parsis: India's Shrinking Population

Facing a growing city and shrinking population, Mumbai's Parsis are urgently seeking ways to care for their elderly, preserve their cultural heritage, and ensure the survival of their religion.

Crimea: The Human Toll

Russia's military annexation of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine has already upended many lives. LGBT people and drug users are among those most at risk.

Venetian Artisanship and Climate Change

Robert Eric Shoemaker presents a multimedia excavation of the artisans of Venice through the lens of climate change: a conversation between art and science.

Peru: An Aging Revolution

Peru, along with the rest of Latin America, is experiencing one of the fastest demographic shifts in the world. Older people over 60 will outnumber children under 14 by 2040. Is the country ready?

Love For My Enemy

A multimedia story following survivors and perpetrators of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda as they struggle with their past, meet each other for the first time and dare to ask for forgiveness.

India's Third Gender

India's transgender women have a documented history dating back to the Kama Sutra, but live on the fringes of society, struggling to find legitimate employment, and battling an epidemic of HIV/AIDS.