
Human Rights

According to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. And yet around the world, many people are denied basic human rights, or find their rights under threat. Pulitzer Center stories tagged with “Human Rights” feature reporting that covers the fight for equality under the law, civil rights and the basic dignity afforded every person. Use the Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder to find and create lesson plans on human rights.


Bogota, July 1

Charles Lane, for the Pulitzer Center
Bogota, Colombia

Sin ti se apagó
El mundo,
Dios cerró
Todas las ventanas
Y extraviaron
Su azucar
Los ángeles del sueño.

Cuestión de Fe

Dios, que tú estés en todas partes
No lo sé;
No te encuentro.
Soy la falla en tu plan.
Pero si doy fe
Que te encuentras entre los muslos
De todas las muchachas
Y cuando tienes ojos
Son ojos de mujer enamorada

Footprints of Violence

After decades of civil war, there are few in Colombia untouched by violence. Looking at civilians, army and paramilitary troops, Carlos Villalon presents original and file photos of the impact of war on a population.

Down the Rio Tapaje

Carlos Villalon chronicles life along the river Tapaje and the impact of the drug conflict between the U.S. backed-Colombian military, FARC guerrillas and paramilitary forces.

Contemporary Colombia

Combining the themes of paramilitary violence, drugs, and politics, these photos offer a glimpse into contemporary life in Colombia.

Inside Ethiopia

Ethiopia's impoverished Somali region still bears evidence of the 1970s war between Somalia and Ethiopia. From Jijiga — the region's capital and closest major city to the Somali border — to Gode — a badlands town that houses numerous U.N. agencies and NGOs — the region has struggled from the ravages of flood and drought.

Rights Group Accuses Ethiopia of Abuses in Ogaden

A U.S.-based human rights group is accusing the Ethiopian government of widespread abuses as it cracks down on a rebel group in its southeastern Ogaden region. Nick Wadhams reports from our East Africa bureau in Nairobi.

New York-based Human Rights Watch says Ethiopian troops have burned villages and shot civilians in its campaign against the rebel Ogaden National Liberation Front.

Hotel Dorantes Bogota 13-15 June 07

"The students are throwing rocks at the police," the taxi driver said on the way in from the airport. "It's dangerous, the government has called out the army." I felt like my luck was holding and slammed the video camera together but by the time we made it through the traffic, the students had already swept through the neighborhood. They left in their wake revolutionary slogans on every public building for several square miles. One read, "URIBE 100% PARACO" and accuses the president of being a member of a paramilitary organization, a death squad leader.

Arrival in Colombia - 13 June 07

13 June, 2007

Four hours after leaving New York on the Avianca flight for Bogota, the Caribbean coast of Colombia appeared, a electric green arc of banana plantations and thick jungle. It was strange to fly south instead toward the blood-charged cauldron of the Middle East where I have spent the last four years covering the conflict in Iraq. Colombia is a different story, one that is much closer to home.