
Human Rights

According to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. And yet around the world, many people are denied basic human rights, or find their rights under threat. Pulitzer Center stories tagged with “Human Rights” feature reporting that covers the fight for equality under the law, civil rights and the basic dignity afforded every person. Use the Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder to find and create lesson plans on human rights.


Victims of War

Women and children have been raped systematically by the armed forces in the conflict. Also, about 1200 people die daily because of non-direct fighting, according to some NGOs.

Congo: Des Élections à Haut Risque

Pays de 62 millions d'habitants, la république démocratique du Congo s'étend sur un territoire grand comme le Québec et l'Ontario mis ensemble. Elle recèle énormément de richesses naturelles, exploitées par des compagnies privées sans que le pays n'en voie vraiment les bénéfices.