

A person’s labor is deeply intertwined with their economic status, quality of life and access to basic resources like food and clothing. Pulitzer Center stories tagged with “Labor” feature reporting that covers the rights of workers, efforts to organize labor unions and worker advocacy groups, modern slavery, and other forms of worker exploitation. Use the Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder to find and create lesson plans on labor.


Our Cotton Colonies

Following a T-shirt's supply chain from Burkina Faso to Bangladesh to your local mall—and back again.

A Global Sand Mining Crisis

Sand is a crucial material for making concrete, asphalt, and glass — the building blocks of our cities. The worldwide construction boom is causing widespread environmental damage.

India: Toxic Tanneries

India is the world's second largest producer of leather and leather goods—the toxic working conditions and environmental effects are beyond measure.

Undark Podcast: Wear and Tear

Podcast with former New York Times science editor David Corcoran discusses a series on the global leather tanning and textile industries with grantees Larry and Debbie Price.