

An estimated 702.1 million people around the world lack access to food, clothing and other basic necessities. Pulitzer Center reporting tagged with “Poverty” feature reporting on health, malnutrition, education inequality and the many other endemic effects of poverty. Use the Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder to find and create lesson plans on poverty.


Go(a)t Milk?

Diego Sarat didn't know what a goat was when his wife signed up for a new nutrition program in Guatemala. He soon discovered it would be a turning point in the health of his children.

Nugget's 18th Birthday

Siretha White was shot to death during her 11th birthday party. Seven years later, her family reunited to celebrate her life on the day she would have turned 18.

Cambodia: More Than Just Sex Slaves

Cambodia is a land of contrasts—a country of ancient temples and great natural beauty, but also one where poverty and political instability have led to high rates of human trafficking.

Tarnished: The True Cost of Gold

On Feb. 14, the Pulitzer Center releases its newest e-book on the environmental and human prices of gold mining. Whether this resource is produced in a way that is fair to all is very much up to us.

Ecuador: Rich and Poor

In Quito, residents' daily lives reflect their socioeconomic status. However, nationwide development and improvements to the education system may help close the gap.