
Public Health

Public health focuses on the systematic prevention of disease and prolonging of life by governments, NGO’s and other groups. Pulitzer Center stories tagged with “Public Health” feature reporting on communicable and non-communicable diseases, the development of medical systems and infrastructure to provide public access to health care services. Use the Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder to find and create lesson plans on public health.


Government Transparency in the Times of Coronavirus

The media must now rely on the government for information about the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Are governmental authorities taking advantage of this crisis to further suppress the media in the MENA region?

The Crisis Egyptian Doctors Are Facing

A group of Egyptian doctors stopped working in response to the COVID-19 deaths of already 22 of their colleagues. The Medical Union of Egypt said the government neglects to equip doctors with the tools they need.

Photo Essay: Behind Veil and Breathing Mask

At the end of May, Iran was hit by a second wave of the coronavirus. Seven photographers have looked around different corners of the country to depict the difficult everyday life of women in Iran during the crisis.