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Meet the Journalist

Meet the Journalist: Nsikan Akpan

The placebo effect influences all types of healing, from acupuncture to laying of hands to the doctor's office. Science producer for PBS NewsHour Nsikan Akpan journeyed from Mexico to Maryland to learn how it works.

Meet the Journalist: Ricardo Martínez

Grantee Ricardo Martínez spent two weeks at 4,300 meters near Cerro de Pasco, Peru. There, almost 100,000 people have to endure heavy metal pollution every day as it leeches into a 936km2 watershed—and many kids are dying.

Meet the Journalist: Tom Gardner

Tom Gardner discusses his reporting as he follows the railway from Addis Ababa to the Djibouti coast examining efforts of the Ethiopian government to use grand infrastructure to develop a poor region.