
Migrants, Displaced People and Refugees

War, economic crisis and climate change can trigger mass migrations of people. Pulitzer Center grantee stories tagged with “Migrants, Displaced People and Refugees” feature reporting that covers refugees, migrants and internally displaced people. Use the Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder to find and create lesson plans on migrants, displaced people and refugees.


A Family Divided

After Motel 6 gave his name to immigration agents, a Vancouver, Wash., man’s family was torn apart. The Columbian reports from the U.S.-Mexico border, where the family is navigating a life divided.

Refugee Boom and Bust: A Global Gold Rush

From smugglers in Agadez, to factory owners in Turkey, to the Italian and Nigerian mafias in Italy, and small business owners in Greece, people making a killing off the global migrant crisis.

The Missing Migrants: Families Search for Answers

For years Central Americans have transited Mexico en route to the United States, many are never heard from again. In a country teeming with the disappeared, Central American mothers search for theirs.

Finding Home

Following the lives of four Syrian refugee mothers and their babies from the day these women gave birth through their newborns’ all-important milestones: first smiles, first meals, first steps.

The Gulf Art War

The world’s leading architects, the most vulnerable laborers, and a movement of concerned artists converge on a man-made island in the Persian Gulf called Saadiyat, which means “happiness” in Arabic.

Guna Yala Sinking

The sea level rise clock ticks loudly for those who call the Guna Yala islands of Panama home. Will a pending migration to the mainland serve as a model of progressive climate change adaptation?

Cuba After Fidel

While many in Cuba mourn the passing of Fidel Castro, others are more than ready for change.

Mexico Considers Trump

Donald Trump has targeted Mexico more than any other country, promising to build a wall, deport millions of Mexicans from the U.S., and cancel NAFTA. PBS NewsHour examines how Mexico is responding.

Traces of Exile

As 21st century refugees cross Europe with their smartphones, they've left behind a trail of digital breadcrumbs documenting their exile.

The End of Europe

Examining the cultural, historical, and political meanings of Europe by traveling along its geographical border with Asia.

Are Refugees Welcome in Europe?

The crisis in Europe has created entire towns of refugees in rural Germany and prompted an epidemic of xenophobic arson attacks across the country.

Gender Lens: Refugees and Migration

Journalists and activists joined together for a conversation on the impact of gender and gender roles on the refugee experience—exploring how the most vulnerable are affected and how they cope.