

The Rohingya Crisis

Did the United States ignore signs of a coming mass atrocity against the Rohingya when it chose to upgrade its relationship with Myanmar and lift sanctions on the country?

Rohingya Under Attack

"All I have left are my words," the Rohingya Muslim refugee said. The AP documents systematic gang rape of Rohingya women by the Myanmar military, and reconstructs a massacre in one Rohingya village.

Cambodian Democracy in Crisis

Earlier this year, pressure from Cambodia's government forced the Cambodia Daily to close its operations. This profile tracks the Daily ’s founder as he makes a final attempt to save his newspaper.

Manipur: Where the Islands Float

The floating islands of Loktak Lake, known as “phumdis,” are home to unique animals and plants and an indigenous community—and are threatened by development.

Witch Hunts in India

Women in India are blamed for economic, agricultural and public health failures, accused of sorcery and subjected to witch hunts resulting in their torture and death.

Down from the Mountains

Three children in a remote corner of China are among millions getting by while their parents work far away in wealthier cities.

Laos: Remnants from War

Erin McGoff is producing a full-length feature independent documentary titled "Little Land of Mines" about the resilience of the Lao people as they live among and work to clear 80 million unexploded ordnance from the U.S. Secret War in Laos.

Macau: Portuguese Culture in Retreat?

Macau used to be known as the Portugal of Asia. Now, fewer than 1 percent of households speak Portuguese as their primary language. Can this trend change directions?

Iowa in the Heart of China

At the center of the relationship between the world's two main superpowers are a small agricultural state and its governor-turned-ambassador. The stakes never have been higher for these "old friends."

North Korea in the Era of Kim Jong Un

Three days after Donald Trump tweeted that the U.S. is "locked and loaded" in its nuclear standoff with North Korea, I arrived in Pyongyang to meet the officials responsible for analyzing America.

Meet the Journalist: Karim Chrobog

Pulitzer grantee Karim Chrobog reports on South Korea's innovative food recycling program–and compares it to the US, where 30 to 40 percent of what is grown and raised in the United States is wasted.

This Week: Is It Too Late for Hong Kong?

This week: China loses patience with sacrificing control, Chinese migrants in Singapore, and child soldiers in South Sudan; what will happen with recent Trump administration aid cuts.

This Week: Can Science Save Palm Oil?

This week: the debate behind increasing palm oil production, Africa enlists drones in the fight against poaching, and the deadly cost of environmental activism.

Museum of Current Crises

This lesson plan outlines a project that allows students the opportunity to connect with a contemporary crisis somewhere in the world.

Improving Students’ Blogging Skills

After a series of chats with Pulitzer Center journalists, students reflect on the experience in a creative yet relevant form of writing by producing a blog post.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Working Abroad

Students will read articles and watch videos as preparation to an empathy-building exercise that will help them understand why people choose to leave their families to seek out employment overseas.

Language and Nationalism

This lesson will help students apply knowledge of language to understand how it functions in different cultures and contexts.

Swimming and Water Safety

Students will learn about the importance of water safety and collect class data on swimming involvement.